About Us



About us.


Consilium-consulting is a progressive Business and technology consulting practice. We

endeavor to assist corporate clients in reaching governance excellence by relying on

proven enterprise architecture expertise to identify business elements (strategic goals,

processes, people, skills, information, and technology) in dynamic methods when they

interlink together to drive business towards more efficiency, effectiveness and growth.

We believe that for a business to secure its strategic goals, all components must be

enabled and aligned.

At Consilium Consulting, we assist our clients, partner in identifying relationships among

components and identify gaps and areas of improvement. A typical outcome is, for

example, document how a strategic goal is linked, thus affected, by which processes,

people, skill sets, data and technology. The services that we provide support our client to

be able to clearly identify risks that a strategic goal achievement is exposed to and make

informed decisions on which capabilities to address and enhance in order to secure the

goals. Moreover, linking all business components presents an invaluable visibility on how

a change in the organization (change on a goal, new business line, ICT, ITS , Safety and

Physical Security etc.) will affect the business landscape

Mission Statement

We are working to be the partner of choice in management consultancy and solutions


implementation by offering proven expertise in state of the art best practices and


technology that drive businesses to operational excellence, resilience and efficiency.

Why consilium-consulting


Information Technology, safety and security become a main strategic components of every business, giving it the capabilities to compete and grow. We, at consilium-consulting Consulting, do not only look at IT from technology safety and security perspective. We are relying on our proven expertise in Enterprise Architecture,Information Technology safety and security to consult organizations by identifying and

positioning their IT safety and security initiatives in the context of the whole business

model. Linking IT projects to corporate strategic goals, risks, business processes,

existing employee skill set, available data sources, among others, is key to be

considered when a technology solution is deployed. Without careful study, IT, safety and

security initiatives might lead to ad-hoc efforts that result in disintegrated IT, safety and

security landscape that is rigid and expensive to operate. Our holistic approach of

considering IT, safety and security in the context of business architecture modelling

guarantees far more rational decision making on technology investments, smoother

introduction of solutions in the business context, higher return on investment, and more

importantly a crystal-clear link between any IT, safety and security initiative and one or

more corporate strategic goal. consilium-consulting Consulting provides expertise in the


following areas:

 Enterprise Architecture

 Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)

 Law Enforcement and Public Safety.

 Command and Control Operations

 Fleet Management and Tracking

 Information Security

 Physical Security

 Threat analysis and risk assessment

 IT Service Management

 Business Continuity Planning

 Disaster Recovery Planning

 Business Systems Implementations

 System Integration

 Information Security

 Geospatial Information systems (GIS)

 Policing Information Systems

 Project Management

 Training

 IT Infrastructure Implementation

 IT Managed Service


Bucklands Beach Rd, Auckland 2012, New Zealand





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We are working to be the partner of choice in management consultancy and solutions



Tel: 006421999605

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